суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

contributing factors of global warming

There are still only really two people who I cannot fucking believe are dead, who (if the world was appropriately just, secure and self-centred) should never have outlived me, who make me furious at mortality in general when I remember that theyapos;re dead. These are my granddad and John Peel. That there are only two probably qualifies me as Too Damn Young.

Who are yours?

I have, intermittently, dreams about Granddad. In the dream I know that heapos;s dead, and he does too, and there isnapos;t really anything to say: itapos;s shit and thereapos;s really nothing that either of us can do about it, and we both know this.
contributing factors of global warming, contributing factors of obesity, contributing factors to divorce, contributing factors to global warming.

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